Children of
Sadie Mae Smith and Colin MacRae
Archie Dan  MACRAE
1894 Big Harbour Island,NS
buried Oct.5, 1928 age 34 yrs.
Robie St. Cemetary. Truro, NS
married Janet Harding
no children

My grandfather
Jan.1 1896
Big Harbour Island, Cape Breton,Nova Scotia
died July 11, 1973 age 76
Veterans Hospital, London, Ontario, Canada.
Married Elsie May JOHNSON
November 10, 1931
Elsie Feb. 1901-Oct. 31, 1997 Age 96

Their children & grand children

Jessie MacRae
died May 27, 2002

John Edward "Jack"     died Mar. 1950  motorcycle accident

Archie Duncan MacRae
My Father
Archie Duncan MacRae
died September 26,1996
son of Duncan MacRae( died July 1973)
grandson of Colin MacRae (died 1922)
great-grandson of Catherine(MacDonald)
and Duncan MacRae (died 1888)
great-great-grandson of Christopher MacRae
and Katherine Murchison
Archie MacRae married Sadie Todd.
one daughter one son
Dale and David

Dale (me) married Brian BARRY.
Our Son
Daniel Barry
grandson of  Sadie(Todd) & Archie Duncan MacRae
great-grandson of Elsie (Johnson) & Duncan MacRae
great-great-grandson of
Sadie May (Smith) & Colin N. MacRae
great-great-great-grandson of
Catherine(MacDonald) & Duncan MacRae
great-great-great-great-grandson of
Katherine(Murchison)& Christopher MacRae

David Duncan MacRae
My brother
son of Sadie(Todd) &  Archie Duncan MacRae
grandson of Elsie (Johnson) & Duncan MacRae
great-grandson of Sadie May (Smith) & Colin N. MacRae
great-great-grandson of Catherine(MacDonald)& Duncan MacRae
great-great-great-grandson of
Katherine(Murchison)and Christopher MacRae
Daves' Son          
Eric Duncan MacRae
Eric MacRae and Kristen(Wallace)are excited to announce the early and safe arrival of Isabelle Germaine. Born June 4, 2005 weighing in 7 lbs. 3 ozs, at Met Hospital, Windsor, Ontario Proud grandparents are David Duncan MacRae, and Donna and Kevin Wallace.
Elsies' sons  loved and adopted by Duncan MacRae
Ernie MacLean  MacRae            Robert George and Helen MacRae
             Elsie and Duncans' grandchildren  Robert and Helens' kids
Bonnie Sue and brother Jack


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